Dear Friends of Raymond Park,

As our state begins to reopen we're so excited to be able to put on safe and fun events again in our community park!

We are kicking off the season with a yoga and fitness series including family yoga and vinyasa yoga on Saturday's and Sunday's in June. We are exploring other options for the season, including bringing back movie nights and concerts for summer 2021!

We are a small group of volunteers working to put on these community events and there are costs to each event we produce. Please consider making a donation here toward the production of these events. All of the money we receive goes directly to the third party costs of the event, like paying our fitness instructors and entertainers.

Thank you in advance for enriching our park community and the seasonal experience of countless neighbors.

We're excited to see you in the park soon!

With gratitude,
The Friends of Raymond Park Organizing Committee*

*(Note: You're always invited, if you'd like to participate in the planning and organizing of our park events. Please reach out via our Facebook page to get involved.)

Clicking HERE will bring you to the GoFundMe page, where you can make a donation via credit card. 

We appreciate your donation and would also love to hear from you. Please reach out with ideas for new events, words of encouragement, or thoughts on how we can improve our events in the future.

Email us at